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Type : Entreprise Etudiante / Junior Entreprise

Generation-Europe est une organisation pour les jeunes entre 19-29 ans qui leur permet d'exprimer leurs opinions sur l'Europe. (en anglais)



123 Chaussée St Pierre
1040 Bruxelles

Descriptif de l'association

Nos objectifs:
To articulate & quantify young people's opinions across a broad range of important topics
To shape public policy by feeding these opinions into the political decision-making process
To shape corporate policies by defining for corporate leaders this demographic segment’s concerns and priorities

Nos objectifs

Our objectives:
To articulate & quantify young people's opinions across a broad range of important topics
To shape public policy by feeding these opinions into the political decision-making process
To shape corporate policies by defining for corporate leaders this demographic segment’s concerns and priorities

Nos besoins

Elargir notre réseau de jeunes en France

Nos réalisations

Generation Europe’s Annual Summit
An annual event enabling face-to-face discussions on the themes addressed in the Opinion Platforms throughout the year
Delegates are elected by and from the Generation Europe community
Delegates present the opinions developed by the community to public and private-sector decision makers, and discuss whether and how these can be integrated into policy
TV programming outputs

Nos partenaires

La Commission Européenne et le Parlement Européen entre autres.

Les Associations

Associations étudiantes Pour finir notre tour d'horizon des associations étudiantes, nous vous proposons de découvrir les clubs, associations humanitaires et associations d'anciens élèves.